
Friday, July 24, 2009


Wondering what is GIFE. It’s an element of our lives now and impossible to survive without. We turn to it for the smallest issue to the largest ones. It shares with us the experiences of others and the true meaning of all things tangible or otherwise.
GIFE is Google Life.
GIFE was a word that I coined when I realized the importance of Google in our lives. I realized how for all problems, Google is the easiest and simplest solution and obviously its FREE.
It’s a free consultation that you get to all concerns in life. It can be organizing your life with Google calendar, sync, alerts, reminder, it could be your child’s history project, family issues, property issues, restaurants, movies, entertainment, travel, work related to any industry.
I can’t think of one person who does not use Google or is not dependant on Google. The beauty of the whole dam company is that they understand their user so well that they have created a whole basket of Google products which simplifies life as much as it gets.
Google Chrome, picassa, blogspot, orkut, reader, talk, alerts, books, calendar, sync, news, images, maps, documents, you tube. The list is endless. They practically address every need that we possibly have.
I wonder sometimes that how would life be without Google? It’s literally for the people by the people and of the people. Language no bar, caste no bar, country no bar, operating system no bar, competition no bar at all.
I am amazed at the speed and innovation with which this organization works. If we just adopt their principles in real life what would it be like?
1. Simplicity
2. Futuristic
3. People important to you should be the epicenter of your life. Incase of Google it’s the end user
4. Adaptability
5. Change & innovation
6. Value relationships. If you value this then you will have the person you have for life
7. Service: There is no substitute to this one. Invest in your relationships
8. Great product: If you get this right you need not look any further.

We would have probably stagnated without the search results. So many questions would stay unanswered, isn’t it? How would it be without GIFE…Google the answer to our life

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Friday, July 10, 2009


Running through my personal job list this morning just realized that this weekend again will be really busy.

Yeah, the job list is really critical; our personal and professional lives just centres around this one piece of paper with many scribbles that determines our productivity at the end of the day.

Earlier it was only a Sunday but now it’s progressed to a Sat & Sun. There is so much of catching up to do over the weekend that it’s become a working day for all your personal chores. That’s why more often than not a lot of people have their status on Facebook on Fri as “TGIF”

Paying the bills, figuring out finances, entertainment, exercise, family time, it’s all packed in those 2 days. We pacify ourselves by believing that things even though they may be priority all could be fitted in those 2 days and its fine.

When I head to work every day I feel sad leaving my 1 year old daughter at home but all I do is just reason with myself thinking its Wednesday just 3 more days to go and the weekend I will be with her. Teaching her, trying new food, playing with her, taking her to the garden, or for a swim is all planned for the weekend. Not like she doesn't need it over the weekday but its leisure of time that ensures I push it for the weekend.

Even if it is having an important conversation with my husband that might take a wee bit longer is scheduled for the weekend. Meeting parents who always yearn to see their daughter and grand daughter is also scheduled over the weekend. Groceries, cooking, cleaning, repairs, the list is endless… all over the weekend. More often than not we just push so many things for the weekend forgetting that may be important for the person, or for that relatonship. The dearth of time I guess has made us so self centered.

The way we dress, what we do, our personalities, food, everything is at two extremes. The weekend means its about junk food, eating out, drinking, late nights and relaxed dressing.

We've literally split our lives into two with weekdays and weekends. Over the week we push ourselves to just accomplish so much that we exhaust all of our selves and try to regain and recouperate over the weekend. But life doesn't compartmentalize itself like that. It is the same every day and there is so much to love, enjoy, work learn and grow over the week as much over the weekend. Think about it, haven’t you already started planning your weekend again?

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As i drive by Marine Drive in Mumbai and enjoy people wet themselves in the lashing waves and heavy rain I cherish the small joys of life which we often miss out in our race to life.
"Have you ever watched kids on a merry-go round? Or listened to the rain slapping on the ground? You better slow down, don't dance so fast. Time is short, the music won't last.

Do you run through each day on the fly? When you ask after your loved ones, do you hear their reply? When the day is done, do you lie unhappy in your bed with the next day's chores running through your head?
Ever told your most precious person we'll meet tomorrow and in your haste not seen his or her sorrow? Ever lost touch, let a great friendship die because you didn't have the words or the time or the forgiveness to call and say `hi'?

When you run so fast to get somewhere You miss half the fun of getting there. Life is then an unopened gift... thrown away. Life is no race, do take it slower Hear the music before your song is over" And the boy you have been reading for years desperately wants to add:

Try and really live your Life Sad, mad, unglad never mind; it's yours at least! So enough of strife what joy is enlisted against your name you can't even imagine the same. Heartfelt believes your deepest dream, it upholds your deepest hope if you believe me today, you will see for yourself someday that what you want is nothing compared to what you are destined to have in someway.

Dont let go off people for all things material. That job will not last tommorow but your family will stand by you when its gone.
live those little dreams dont wait for tommorow.
Make life happen today