
Saturday, July 12, 2008


A few lines that I wrote years ago which made sense then now and forever

To smile in victory is easy,
to show a brave face in defeat, difficult

How do I take defeat?
How do I accept a set back to my plans?
Can I control my feelings when i experience disappointment?
Can I start again with courage after a first or second failure?

Do I find excuses, sulk, be bitter, complain to everybody when things go wrong,
when I think I have beensnubbed, when a better man has been given the chance I anticipated?

Adversity and contradictions bring out strong characters and help strengthen them.
Criticism should be an eye opener as regards to shortcomings

Our self relaince and conceit, our vanity and pride collapse under the blows of failure as butter melts in the sun.
Lack of success makes us reconsider our plans, concentrate our energies and improve our methods.

Most discoveries are the result of repeated efforts in the face of opposition, of tenacious will power restartng hundreds of experiments, all ending in failure except the last.
We will not be judged by our successes but according to our endeavours.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting thought it is. Very lofty indeed.

Perhaps failure is the opportunity to begin again, perhaps failure is the opportunity to learn more ...

I once read somewhere a line that has stayed with me ever since ... never hit a man when he is down for when he stands up, you may find him bigger than you are!!

If we believe that innovation is key to human progress, by definition, successful innovation will happen once in a hundred or a thousand attempts. Hence, "successful" people are people who keep at it for the other 999 times so finally succeed the 1000th time!!

Keep the faith.