
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Fool's Paradise

Hmmm! an expression used more often than not by fool's who live in this eternal hope that life will come to them. They wait for things to happen and wait till eternity for things to happen, things to be in equilibrium not knowing that life never reaches an equilibrium!!!
To have a balance in life or to achieve all that you want in life is only wishful thinking. It's a notional phase which is never true. We keep thinking let me achieve this and I will do this let me achieve this and I will start this... let this project get over let me get this promotion... let me enjoy this one last year... Alas! life doesn't stop and problems never cease to exist.

Only if man was such a content animal, there would be no problem. Only if we never stopped wishing would life be much better. Every time we climb a step up in the ladder of life we feel higher than some & lower than some. The lower than some always pinches us more and our lust for more out of life only increases.

A lot of people have this question in their minds at different stages in their life that recurr time & again...when is the right time to fall in love, the right time to start a job, right time to finish my education, right time for me to say yes to my girlfriend, right time for marriage, right time for children, right time to quit smoking, right time to strike a work life balance, right time to focus on health and start hitting the gym from tom, right time to look beyond me, right time to give sometime to your relationships...your priorities... there is this no right time... no right person. I know some people in this quest of the right time & right person have spent so many years alone, in misery waiting for things to happen, cupid to knock on their doors, careers wasted, skills unused... regrets left by... people left behind...stories untold, emotions unexpressed...only becuase it wasn't the right time. There will never be a perfect time a perfect person.

What makes you feel right today who makes you feel perfect today is the right time and right person in your life. Time & people keep changing so its obvious that, that perfect moment will also change. so what seems right now seems like a mistake tom, who seems like your soulmate today may seem your worst enemy tom.
Men fear marriage... committment babies... but its really that moment that you thought would never happen to you and you are not ready for it... my friend you will never be ready for it. It's not only men... we as people are never ready for changes... it's just women have higher anticipation skills and the excitement to do something new makes them accept it & make decisions much faster... Trust me it's a change for them as well.

We plan so much in our lives... dates, marriage, proposals, interviews, schedules, careers, babies, love, old age, death...

Only if life went according to plans there would be no fools in the paradise.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ignorance is bliss - ha, ha!! Or is it? I would tend to agree with you that the right time is now.

We all believe that we have made the right decision - be it right person, right job, right food etc etc.

However, as you have rightly said, time and people and the situations keep changing so my hypothesis is ...

People who are able balance out in their own minds what "is" versus what "could have been" are probably the happiest. Or actually, now that I am thinking about it - people who do not think about what could have been are the happiest. You know,sometimes I feel ...

Question for you, dear author, is - till when do channelize your dissatisfaction with the situation to push yourself to a higher level of achievement and when do you start to let go?